Open today 11:00 - 15:30
Trysil Public Library is located in the center of Innbygda. The library has extended unmanned opening hours, so you can come in and borrow books.
Trysil has fostered many great authors: Sven Moren, Halvor Floden, Halldis Moren Vesaas, Einar Skjæraasen, Tormod Haugen, Dagfinn Grønoset, Sigmund Løvåsen and many more. In Trysil, there is a poet under every tree - almost!
Trysil Public Library has books by all these local authors and much more on our shelves. In total, we have over 40,000 titles available for loan: books, DVDs, audiobooks, music, language courses, newspapers, and magazines. You can borrow these while you’re on holiday – even when it’s pouring rain or the temperature is approaching -40°C. Yes, and at any other time too! The loan period is 4 weeks for books and 1 week for videos.
Your loans can be returned at any library in Norway. You can also return books from other libraries here.
We have a large children's section, a municipal photo archive, a reading room, a newspaper corner, a local historical collection, and 3 internet PCs, as well as wireless internet connection. Internet access here is, like everything else we offer, FREE!
We also host many events and exhibitions in the Moren Hall. Follow us on our Facebook page: Trysil Public Library.
Welcome in!
Find your way
In Trysil there is a poet under every tree - almost!
You can borrow their books - and many others - for free from us.
Opening hours
Open from - to