Logo Trysilfjell Utmarkslag


Trysilfjell Utmarkslag


  • +47 62 44 94 00
  • utmark@trysil.com
  • Velkomstvegen 8 2420 TRYSIL

Do you planning to build your own cabin at Trysilfjellet?

Trysilfjell Utmarkslag is a cooperative consisting of landowners in the area around Trysilfjellet that operates, develops and sells cabin areas around Trysilfjellet and runs Trysilfjell Caravanplass.


Drone image of Trysil Ccaravan

Trysilfjell Caravan

Trysilfjell Caravan
Picture of the service building of Trysilfjell Utmarkslag

Trysilfjell Utmarkslag - plots for sale

Trysilfjell Utmarkslag - plots for sale
Drone image of cabin area

Trysilfjell Utmarklag - Maintenance of the cabin

Trysilfjell Utmarklag - Maintenance of the cabin