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Trysilrypa: 6, 10 or 13 km

All the three trails at Trysilrypa are in beautiful mountain terrain with start and finish at SkiStar Lodge in Fageråsen.


Foto: Ola Matsson

Trysilrypa 6 km

Trysilrypa 6 km is a manageable round for everyone - both in terms of length and surface.

The trail starts at SkiStar Lodge, up to Høyfjellssenteret and continues in beautiful mountain terrain. The course is suitable for all levels and abilities.

The trail follows approx. 3 km of Fjellrunden, a great walking and cycling path that goes around Trysilfjellet.

Facts about Trysilrypa 6 km

  • One drinking station with juice
  • The surface is gravel road, path and wooden clappers
  • The shortest of the grouse trails


Trail profile Trysilrypa 6 km

Trysilrypa 10 km 

Trysilrypa 10 km is perhaps the most demanding trail, with the most ascent of the three trails. At the same time, this is a very nice trip, which offers the very best view.

Facts about Trysilrypa 10 km

  • The course with the most ascent
  • The best view
  • 2 drinking stations along the way


Løypeprofil Trysilrypa 10 km
Løypeprofil Trysilrypa 10 km

Trysilrypa 13 km 

The 13-kilometer trail is the longest course, but in the opinion of many, also the nicest. We would like to note that some participants may find parts of the course physically challenging, but the reward is a real mountain experience in wonderful terrain!

The trail is mostly on trails in mountainous terrain. There are the occasional rocks on the route, and if it has rained the last few days before the race, there may also be some wet and slippery sections.

Facts about Trysilrypa 13 km

  • The longest trail
  • Varied terrain and many people's favorite distance 
  • About halfway you pass the mountain lake Entjønn
  • Winning time race 2024: 1:06:59 (Ida Oline Talåsen)


Trail profile Trysilrypa 13 km
Trail profile Trysilrypa 13 km


Sist oppdatert 08.01.2025